Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I can't believe that people are dying in Haiti. It was expected when Bush was president and the hurricane hit New Orleans. He is a republican and they all hate black people. Now Obama is president and he is black, a light skinned black who speaks without a negro dialect, but still black. He promised to tax rich people to pay for everything so that no one would ever need food, water, health care, or have to drive a clunker again. Something is definitely wrong here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wrong quote

Todays newspaper ran an opinion about Sen. Harry Reid's comments about President Obama. I am not sure his comments rise to the level of racism, especially since he is a Democrat. The more enlightening quote, from the same book, was former President Clinton trying to secure Sen. Kennedy's support for his wife. His assertion that a few years back Obama would be "getting their tea" is clearly racist. It is amazing what people will say when they think it will be off the record.