Monday, March 15, 2010

Twice recently I have seen the comment that health care is a necessity, so people shouldn't be allowed to profit from it. I am having a little trouble with that line of logic. I believe that what they are really saying is that the people who distill the alcohol, and the liquor store owners who sell it to you should be allowed to make a profit; but the doctor who transplants your liver, and the scientists who developed the drugs that prevent rejection shouldn't. The farmer who grows the tobacco, and the convenience store workers who sell it to you should make money. The doctor who cuts out your cancerous lung, and the people who supply your oxygen tanks and hoses should just get minimum wage. The guys who raise and slaughter beef, and the fast food joint that sells you a heart attack in a sack are eligible to get rich. The guy who does your quadruple bypass, and the physical therapist who gets you back on your feet should live on food stamps in public housing.
What these people really want is to be able to make as many bad decisions about their life or lifestyle as they want, and to have someone else clean up the mess for them. Most importantly at no cost to them.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I can't believe that people are dying in Haiti. It was expected when Bush was president and the hurricane hit New Orleans. He is a republican and they all hate black people. Now Obama is president and he is black, a light skinned black who speaks without a negro dialect, but still black. He promised to tax rich people to pay for everything so that no one would ever need food, water, health care, or have to drive a clunker again. Something is definitely wrong here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wrong quote

Todays newspaper ran an opinion about Sen. Harry Reid's comments about President Obama. I am not sure his comments rise to the level of racism, especially since he is a Democrat. The more enlightening quote, from the same book, was former President Clinton trying to secure Sen. Kennedy's support for his wife. His assertion that a few years back Obama would be "getting their tea" is clearly racist. It is amazing what people will say when they think it will be off the record.